Chester Fields’ passions for perfection in realistic art and a solid grounding in business have driven his paintings and sculpture into the money range attained only by the top one percent of living artists today. His limited edition wildlife sculptures usually double in price before the last edition is produced. That’s considered excellent appreciation for an art investment.
Whether for investment or pleasure, appreciation is one word that applies to Fields’ artwork. To capture the excitement and realism of the American West, Fields combines technical skill, equal to the great master artists, with hours of painstaking research to create flawless works of art that capture nature’s great beauty and soaring adventure.
“My interest in eagles, which I’ve painted and sculpted for 28 years, was an evolution building up in me since childhood when I went out into the fields with my dad on our wheat farm in Oregon. He’d be turning over the soil with a plow and the mice would come burrowing out of the holes and the eagles would swoop down and pick them up,” Fields recalled.
Born in The Dalles, Oregon, Chester was raised on his father’s wheat farm until the age of eight, when the family picked up stakes and moved to a 100,000-acre ranch in British Columbia. Over a 10-year period, the family developed a thriving 600-head cattle ranch and wheat farm.
“We had wildlife of all kinds where we lived: pheasant, deer, moose and elk, too. I think eagles have a primal appeal. It dates back to the cave mail who looked up at the sky and dreamed of flying. It’s easy to understand our ancient ancestors standing in awe of the most powerful bird in the sky, the eagle.”